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Hello, we are Umar3Group. Boss from Umar Usman Campuss Propethic Entrepreneurship
Lets Doing - Sharing - and Serving for Ummah !
Enjoy !


New product Development  strategy
Two ways to obtain new product
JAcquistion refers to the buying of a whole Company , a patent, or a License to produce someone else’s product. Example = Sirup sarang sari dan bisnis kecap terbesar.
JMempelajari Proposal Franchise
@New Product Development refers to original product , product Improvments, product Modivication and new Brands Developed from the Firm’s own research and Development.
& New Product Development Reasons for new  product Failure
          F Overestimation of market size
           F Poor design
          F Incorrect Positioning : posisinya salah
          F Wrong timing
          F Priced too high : harga terlalu mahal
          F Ineffective Promotion : promosinya efektitif atau tidak
          F Management Influence : pengaturan management
          F High Development costs
          F Competition  : lupa menganalisa kompetisi
& New Product process Major stages in new Product Development
Ide generation  Idea Screening  Concept Development and testing  Marketing Strategi Development  Bussines Analisis  Product Development  Test Marketing  Commercialitation.

& New Product Development Process
Marketing Strategi : ~ tentukan targetnya siapa
                                      ~ Harus focus ke target tertentu
                                      ~ Targetnya keluarga , anak – anak atau bapak

J Succesful
          ~ Cara baru untuk bias soft Customer problem
          ~ Cari manfaat baru untuk  konsumen.

J Product  life – Cycle Strategis
   Sales and profits ($)

Example : - Lapangan tembak
-         Bakmi kelinci
-         Bakmi GM
-          Esteler 77
F Bikin produk lebih banyak lagi dan bias menjadikan survive
F Lokasi tidak bagus lebih baik cari yang lebih bagus dulu
F segmentnya bukan disitu

Consumer Convinience
J Kebanyakan orang membeli karena emosi

2 Shelf and consumer Appeal
  ~ Self visibility and consumer Appeal is becoming very important
 ~ Modern Trade Outlets call for instant consumer attrancition.

2 Nutritional labeling
C Daftarkan ke BPOM
C Shift from loose to packed
Example : sayur yang dijual biasa di packaging dan dijual kepasar yang lain  dengan harga yang lebih meningkat.

& Commodity foods
Contohnya mawana, Radjani supper atta
& Nitogren flused contohnya lays
& PE extruded nets and rached bags
Example onions, potatoes,garlic and ginger , hard fruits  like bear
Ada sayur yang bias free wash
Dried Strawberries buah yg dikeringkan
Dried mangoes
Frozen food : nuggets

Packaging give away


Boss Wahyu

Boss Wahyu, Culinary Entrepreneur

Boss Ozi

Profil Boss Ozi, Culinary Entrepreneur

Boss Perly

Boss Noperly, Fashion Entrepreneur

boss yaz

Boss Yaz , Marketing Expert

Boss Nuri

Boss Nuri, Property Entrepreneur

boss rasy

Boss Rasy , Culinary Entrepreneur

boss nafi

Boss Nafi' , agricultural entrepreneur

boss andri

boss andri, sociopreneur

boss aziz

Boss Aziz , property entrepreneur

boss sisi

Boss Sisi, Culinary Entrepreneur

boss riski

Boss Riski, Marketing Expert